There’s a whole generation of new-school Steve Irwin types, whether it’s via the high-production gloss of Coyote Peterson or the backcountry charms of Joseph the Mink Man. Somehow, @FishinGarrett sticks out, mostly because he’s crazy enough to wander through the Everglade swamps at night in his bare feet, grabbing snakes and splashing gators for fun. It's not surprising that this Florida man has 4.9 million followers on TikTok.
Garrett starts his videos with “Hey guys I’m in the Florida Everglades and check out this [insert terrifying and dangerous creature].” Despite fearing for his well-being, his videos are packed with quick cuts to different creatures including alligators or “swamp puppies” as he calls them, spiders, snakes, and poisonous frogs which he picks up while saying “yoink.”
In one of his pinned videos with over 45 million views, he nonchalantly says “Well it looks like I got myself surrounded by alligators again, it’s kind of my fault though cause I’m calling them up to me.” By the time the viewer is able to react to each moment, another equally horrifying thing is happening. Videos cut from alligators splashing to a cottonmouth swiping at him, and then gently “yoinks” a thankfully nonvenomous scarlet snake.
The comments provide a resounding “NOPE” reaction to his risky, shoe-less content, though many viewers insist that “he doesn’t fear the Everglades the Everglades fear him,” @sushant_kunwar__ metaphorically shakes their head by commenting “and he says to us ‘stay safe out there.’”
A particularly unsettling video involving a swarm of bugs was duetted by @spice8rack who emphasizes “no matter how horrible it is, it gets worse.”
His videos are compelling if you can get past the snakes, as @ivanhall commented, “Between ‘swamp puppies’ and you being barefoot, I’m transfixed and horrified!!!”
FishinGarrett reassures his viewers that he is a professional conservationist, and has been handling and walking among animals in the Everglades his whole life. His passion for wildlife conservation is genuinely wholesome and his enthusiasm is contagious, but it doesn’t make anyone feel better about him walking around with his bare feet.